Does my mood affect my life?

Does my mood affect my life?

You may be wondering does my mood affect my life or how does it affect your life? The answer is yes!
How do we as humans develop a mood or attitude? We continuously apply our attention or focus on something or someone, the longer we focus on it the more of it we get because the Law of Attraction is making more of the same available to us. And so, emotionally speaking, you are developing a mood. Vibrationally speaking, you are achieving a repetitive vibration. This is called a set point.

Does my mood affect my life

How you are feeling is a representation of what you are inviting into your experience. It is a clear sign of your practiced vibration. Whenever you are in a situation, it activates your most practiced vibration or set point on the subject.
For example, let us say that you went through a horrible relationship where your spouse was lying and cheating on you any time they were away or you were away. You became very distrustful of them whenever they would be away from you. So you divorced them. You are now in a new relationship. You are now feeling anxious anytime they are away from you, or you are away. Your set point is one of distrust and/or insecurities.
Or, when you were a child, your grandmother was diagnosed with stage four breast cancer and suddenly died. Throughout your childhood, you often heard your mother talking about having to regularly have mammograms to be sure she did not get breast cancer because she is at greater risk due to her mother dying of breast cancer. You may have heard your mother expressing fear of the same thing happening to her or her children. This would have included you. This conversation would have produced much fear in you. So anytime breast cancer was a conversation, you had underlying fear-producing emotions pulsing through your body, and your thoughts. Over time this would produce an emotional set point of physical vulnerability.

Can I change my emotional set point?

Your emotional set point can go from good feelings to bad feelings. Just like it can go from bad feelings to good feelings. Or from secure to insecure feelings. You have the power within to deliberately change your set point of attraction.

Your set points are achieved simply by shifting your thoughts or attention to a subject. This can be practiced by deliberately choosing where you focus your attention and thoughts. However, most people do not find that they consciously are choosing their thoughts. The ability to deliberately choose your thoughts may take some practice. Most people allow thoughts to travel to whatever is happening at the moment: Something happens, an observation is made then an emotional feeling response to the observation happens. Often one feels powerless when observing. They conclude they are powerless over the response to what they are observing.
You do have absolute control over the set points that you achieve. You must be aware of them and your thoughts at all times, for you can recognize a negative feeling or thought and course correct it. For example, when you hear a neighbor talking about breast cancer, you and your set point are one of physical vulnerability. You may instantly have a particularly negative feeling or thought, such as feelings of fear or thoughts of needing another exam soon. With your new knowledge, you can deliberately choose another thought, like I am so grateful I can make my appointments regularly, and they have been clear. I am healthy. I take great care of my body daily. In no time, you will have a new set point of great confidence and health.