Are we born limited?

Are we born limited?

How do you feel about success and money? Can anyone be successful? Can you have an abundant amount of money? Are we born limited? Limited by who are parents are in this world? These are some serious questions.

Our first response may not be as accurate as we think. For example, there was a time when I would have responded to the question how do you feel about success and money? With this answer, anyone can be successful, but only if they work hard enough. I also had a core belief that there was not enough to go around for everyone to be rich or successful. Are we born limited? NO! There is an unlimited supply of every wonderful thing and experience. We have bought into a lie that there is a limited supply of everything. This is a vibration of scarcity and limits our entire life.

If you are following here, you have learned about the Law of Attraction. That is like attracts like. So, if our belief limits or of scarcity. What will we receive? More of it. More scarcity and lack of our desires. This mentality of lack controls us by keeping us yearning for what others have. That we do not.


According to The Law of Attraction if you are feeling like nothing is ever enough then that is your set point and that is exactly what you will get. Not enough, not your true desire. Do you think it will feel like enough if you lose those ten pounds or earn x amount of money? Do you know what enough feels like? Are we born limited?

According to the Law of sufficiency and abundance, there is an unlimited supply. So, how do we tap into this? Take a moment and examine yourself, are you always looking outside yourself at situations and circumstances to become more than you are?  If this is the case You are in a lower-level vibration of lack.

To be able to manifest the things you desire you must move up that scale to a place of gratitude. To a place where everything you have in your life right now is sufficient. Unquestionably this will bring a peaceful vibration. As you feel gratitude for the things you currently have in life then at the same time feel excitement for the things you would like to manifest, this will bring raise your vibration up the scale.

 Without a doubt the two important points here are:

  1. Make peace with where you are right now.
  2. Be satisfied now, don’t wait until you reach a particular goal.

Does that sound impossible? Here is an example. I am a Reiki master teacher. I strive to hold a vibration of loving to teach Reiki. I am very grateful for each student that I am privileged to teach. I love to watch the joy in their eyes as they learn something new. I also hold the desire to open a retreat center for energy healers and look forward to inviting each of my students to join me once this manifestation has arrived. I feel gratitude for each step forward I can take to get me where I desire to be.

That is an example of being satisfied with where you are yet excited about where you are going.