Can I learn to dream?
I want to talk about dreaming and dreams. Can I learn to dream? What is the first thing that comes to your mind when I ask you what your goals or dreams are?

Given My dreams
My mind took me directly to a picture in the bible storybook of a little girl leaning over into the water playing with a fish, in the background a boy riding an elephant. I was told that was a picture of the paradise I would live in soon. I may have been 5 or so. I was given my dreams. Just as many people have been. I was told that in order to get there I had to follow gods word and not disappoint him or I may not make it into the new world order. Fear huge fear was instilled in me to follow exactly what I was told, or I would not make it and I would die. What that also did is kept me focused on that ONE dream for my entire child hood. While other kids were dreaming and talking about going to collage and all the things they were going to have and accomplish in life I was given my dreams and goals.
Our parents meaning all good often do not realize how they have robed their children of learning to dream and being able to succeed in receiving those dreams. As children our entire goal is to be pleasing to our parents and then as we grow and find ourselves wanting different things do not know how to shift our feelings so as not to be dis approving or maybe just purely because we lack the knowledge as to how to go after our dreams.
Another common issue I hear is, how a child says at a very early age they want to be a doctor for example and as they grow and learn their thoughts change there dreams inside change, however they feel fear around voicing it because all their life all they hear from mom and dad is that planted dream how they want to be a doctor. They do not want to disappoint them or feel like they have become less so many do not go after their true dreams and aspirations.
Three questions about your dreams
- Do you have dreams or goals?
- If you do what are they?
- Why are you not following them?
Try them on
I am here to encourage you to pull them out and give yourself permission to try them on. They may no longer fit however give yourself permission to dream to ponder on the things you may never have thought were possible for you or even scary.
An exercise you may try is look yourself in the mirror and repeat this statement: I : state your name give myself permission to dream of new things beyond the ones given to me as a child. This is a very bold statement and one that may be very uncomfortable. However it can help open you to new things and ideas.
Have a paper and pen close by and write down what comes up for you. It may be feelings…It may be some beautiful dreams and new aspirations.
So right now take 10 seconds and close your eyes imaging yourself doing or having something you have never given your self- permission to do or have. Take a deep breath this may be difficult for some and that is ok. Release the breath through your mouth and see what the first thing that comes for you is?
How does that feel?
For me, one day I want to hold a retreat for women. That is a dream I have.
Some may want to go to school, or have a certain job, or own a beautiful home, a Cottage on a beach, or sports car, or travel, maybe even have children and play sports with them and show them the amazing places in the world. It may be different types of spiritual things.
Dreaming is endless. Take some time try things on see how they feel. If it feels good dive in deeper. For example: if traveling feels exciting dream of where you will go. Visualize the scenery, the food you will eat, the type of company you will keep while you are there. How do you feel? If school is what you want, what school? what will you study, go as far as when you complete it where do you dream of working? How will you feel? If you are not sure. How do you want to feel? We are the creator of our own reality, so if something doesn’t fit, or feel good take it off! Try something new. Keeping in mind you may feel fear around trying new things especially if you were handed your dreams. You may have to take time and practice getting to know your own self. That is ok. Give yourself permission. Maybe think of it as a journey. While on this Journey there is no judgement.
You may want to open up to new ideas. It could be a lot of fun. Once you have these new founded dreams how to you achieve them or acquire them when they feel so far out of reach? I have found that a vision board has been an amazing tool for manifesting my dreams.