Normal people don’t talk
Normal people don’t talk to themselves, do they? let’s talk about self-talk. Have you ever thought that talking to yourself is something only other people do? Or, maybe something that a strange guy on the street corner does?
Inner self-talk
The truth is that while most people don’t talk out loud to themselves, we all have some sort of self-generated dialogue taking place privately in our minds. Most people take these thoughts for granted and believe that they are beyond our control, sort of like random bits of information that spontaneously pop in and out of their brains.
The good news is that we actually do have a lot of control over this self-talk, and it all starts with being aware of what we are telling ourselves. When you are thinking about the Jehovah’s witnesses take a minute to stop and pay attention to the conversation happening in your mind. What kind of things are being said? Are they helping you feel better and adapt to the stressful situation you’re dealing with? Or, is your internal dialogue having the opposite effect, making things worse?
No one really knows for sure how these conversations in our head develop, but what we do know is that how we internally talk to ourselves has a significant impact (both positive and negative) in our lives.
The great news is that we have a choice in how we talk to ourselves, which also means we choose how we feel and behave as a result. Lets pretend
You are in a department store it is Christmas time you have just picked out some beautiful new decorations you are walking through the store head held high super excited to get home and put them up. You are walking up to check out and you look over and see someone whom was once a friend in the congregation you were attending. Which type of self-talk do you think will result in you feeling more positive about your choices.
1) I am proud of my choices and know I am valuable. Every time I look at these decorations I will smile they bring joy to my heart, they sparkle and are beautiful. I deserve to feel good!
2) I know what they are thinking…maybe I should go down to another checker. I know they are judging me. Should I put them back?
Hopefully you said 1, but you all can probably also relate to statement 2. Statement 2 doesn’t make you feel that great, does it? Let’s dissect that train of thought a little bit further. One thing you should notice is that the message is very negative. Remember that self-image plays a big role in the process of linking self-talk to behavior. So, in this scenario, negative self-talk is having a negative impact on how you view yourself.
Our inside voice inside your head has an influence on your life. How much confidence you have in yourself…your decisions. You have the ability to control your self-talk.
Developing a habit of positive self-talk raises your vibrational frequency and you feel more joy and happiness. It will raise your confidence. it enables you to attract what you want, it allows you to have healthier lifestyle and it helps reduce stress. It can allow you to heal from the programming. It is a great way to help you move on in a more positive direction as your lives are taking a new shape . SO regularly practicing will create a beautiful new thought process and a great love for life.
Making it a habit will ensure it does not slip your mind and you fall back into your old patterns. It might not feel natural It may not feel natural at first however the more you practice it the more it will become second nature to you. The more you do things to help remind your self like leaving notes in places you will be sure and see the easier it will be. Another helpful thing is listening to positive affirmations, Self love, or ones on confidence, I Daily listen to positive affirmations on you tube. I play them while I am driving in my car. My favorite time is first thing in the morning it sets a positive tone for my day. Set a goal this week to be conscious of how you talk to your self and have a very positive week.