The scripting process

Hi everyone in case you don’t know me I am Wendy Lynn Johnson I am from Washington State. I am a law of attraction life coach as well as an EXJW since 2003- 2004. We are all in a very unique place in our life journey yet we all have something in common. That is being associated with Jehovah’s Witnesses.  Those of us on this call also have the privilege of being in the group empowered ex Jehovah’s Witnesses. I love this group and see so many different people looking to move forward in a positive way. However, we are all in a different place some are just starting the process of fading and may be having huge mixed emotions. Some of us have been out for a number of years and have moved through a lot of different experiences to get to where we are.  A lot are somewhere in between. In any case I urge you to find the joy in the place you are in the process. It is easy to let discouragement set in when you are on social media and see how others may seem so happy and in a place you want to be. However the only way we get there is to move forward in our path one step at a time. None of us follow the exact same path in life.  We all need to understand that we may all want a similar end result however our road to get there is going to be different. An example is 2 people who are trying to loose weight . They may be doing the exact same things everyday however no two bodies are the same so they may not have the exact same results. If we find that we are comparing ourselves to others and feeling discouraged we need to go within and find where it is we are wanting to be and set some goals to move us forward in that direction. Find things in your life to be grateful for and I know at times in this process it feels unbearable, However small the things are that you are grateful for will raise your vibration just that little bit to make the next step feel that much more attainable. A process I love to share with my clients is from a book called Ask and it is Given By Jerry and Ester Hicks,

Its called scripting, So often we are unsure of where we want to be we question if it is right or wrong based off of old programming so as you do this process make it fun. There is no right or wrong its all you… the amazing you!


I would love to hear about any results from playing the game. If it does nothing more than help you to figure out what your desires are and dreams are so many of us have had to learn that it is ok and amazingly powerful to have dreams beyond what we were taught . Dream big find what brings you Joy and love!