How do you ground
I have talked about the importance and the benefits of grounding. However, you may ask how do you ground. There are many ways, and it is important that you use one that feels right for you. I will talk about the 3 ways that help me to ground and that I use in my Reiki practice.
Essential oils
Different types of essential oils can be beneficial in grounding. I will share three with you here.
Sandalwood – This oil is known as the oil of Sacred Devotion. This oil has been used since ancient times for its ability to calm the mind, and still one’s heart and prepare the spirit to commune with Source, the Universe, or God.
Sandalwood assists in quieting the mind so that one may hear the subtle voice of the spirit. It raises one to higher levels of consciousness. Sandalwood assists one in reaching beyond their current confines and belief systems. For those who are ready to leave behind attachments. It teaches humility, devotion, and a love for the divine. It addresses emotions such as being disconnected from God, source energy, the universe, emptiness, overthinking, and materialism.
Vetiver – Vetiver oil aids in becoming more rooted in life. In life, one can have scattered energy that makes one feel split between different priorities, people, and activities. Vetiver brings one back down to earth, assisting one in grounding to the physical earth. It also helps individuals connect with what they think and feel. It is a great tool in self-awareness work, helping uncover root emotional issues.
Vetiver helps guide them to the root of emotional issues rather than avoidance. Relief comes from meeting the core of emotional issues. It is known to ground one in the present moment and carry one through an emotional release.
Patchouli – supports one becoming fully present in their physical body. It balances those who seek to escape the body through spiritual pursuits or other forms of distraction. Patchouli tempers the enslaving personality by bringing them “down” to reality. It is grounding and stabilizing.
Patchouli is a great addition to your yoga practice, tai chi, or other exercises looking to connect the spirit with the body. While using patchouli, one feels more grounded and fluid. It helps individuals stay in touch with the earth. It calms fear and nerves, stilling one’s heart and mind and preparing the body and spirit for a deeper connection.
Earthing can be as simple as going outdoors with bare feet. Putting your feet in the beautiful green grass or even the sandy beach. Gardening is a beautiful way to ground by putting your hands in the earth, dirt, or mud.
You could also lie outside and immerse your entire body in the dirt, sand, grass, and earth. Anything that gives your body access to connect directly with the ground.
Our ancestors walked barefoot on the earth and slept on the earth with a thin layer of hide between them and the ground. Nowadays we wear thick souled shoes and sleep in beds that limit our energy connection to mother earth. Studies show that connecting our bodies to the earth’s electrons has health benefits.
Grounding Meditation
A grounding meditation helps one to become present in the moment. It can be a guided journey to be in nature and energetically feel the earth in many different ways. You may be guided to feel the grass on your feet or lie down on it. You may be walking in a forest and smell the air. You may be guided to feel the water or breeze. This is one of my favorite ways.
In conclusion, Grounding keeps earth energy flowing through us. We are all living circuits connected through source energy.