Can I help my family heal?

I was asked today what my “why” is. I could not wrap my head around the question at first. My “why”? I had just been asked by another what I do. Can I help my family heal? So I went on to list.
- Reiki
- Usui Reiki
- Laser Reiki
- Holy fire Karuna Reiki
- Hypnotherapy
- Emotional Freedom Technique
- Meditation
- Law of Attraction Life Coach
- Ho’oponopono
- Intuitive Healing
- Crystals
- The Art of your energy healing
I have been studying energy healing for some time now in many different ways. I guess this leads me to not why, but what I want to do with it. Heal the world one soul at a time? That is amazing work however does not feel right. It does not light me up. I went one step further. If I were coaching a client, what would my next question be? What does light you up? What does light me up? What makes me feel the energy pulsing through my body and bring in good feelings? I want to teach others how to use energy within their world. Meaning families. Healing their people. Their children, their parents, and their friends. I want to teach them how they not only can heal them and help them to learn how to control their energies such as anxiety, and grief but teach them so they can teach them to teach their people. There is no love stronger than the love between families be it love or hate they are all in one. Often one hates because the love has broken and the energies shift. What if families could learn how to heal those energies? We are all made up of energy. We are all capable of learning how to shift our energies and heal not only our bodies but our minds and our emotions.
Can I help a loved one who is grieving?
The answer is YES! Energy work is a powerful modality that you can use/teach your families. I wish I could travel back in time to when I lost my 13-day-old son. If I knew the things, I know now I could have helped not only myself however my 3 young boys who were grieving the loss of their baby brother. I could have helped them with the grief that comes when their parents divorce. I could have also helped myself through all the anxieties I had when I chose to leave a highly controlled religion/cult. While I can not go backward I sure can move forward and help families learn how to help each other with energy healing in these fast-paced times when there have been many changes in our medical systems. Yes, you can learn how to help loved ones who are grieving. You can learn how to help them with anxiety and pain of any kind. You can help them heal themselves from negative experiences they have had leaving them feeling worthless. Leaving them with negative self-talk.
My Why is not to help heal the world one client at a time but help families heal one family at a time and all that starts with one client and teaching all the things I know to others so they can pass it on to someone.