Shift your thoughts

Shift your thoughts Have you ever felt like you were being negative and knew your thoughts were going down a road that didn’t feel good? How do you shift your thoughts in times like this? Is it as easy as just flipping a switch, and they change? Most likely not. However, there are processes like… Continue reading Shift your thoughts

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How do you ground

How do you ground I have talked about the importance and the benefits of grounding. However, you may ask how do you ground. There are many ways, and it is important that you use one that feels right for you. I will talk about the 3 ways that help me to ground and that I… Continue reading How do you ground

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The benefits of grounding.

 The benefits of grounding. As a holistic energy specialist and Reiki master, I have come to appreciate the benefits of grounding. Grounding, also known as earthing, is the practice of connecting with the Earth’s energy through physical contact or visualization. This practice has been used for centuries and is fundamental to many spiritual traditions.  Grounding… Continue reading The benefits of grounding.

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The 3 Affirmation questions

The 3 Affirmation questions The 3 Affirmation questions that are important to your success are. How do you want to feel? Do these affirmations have the potential to help create such feelings or changes? Am I being resistant to changing my feelings or thoughts? The answer to these questions can help you decide if the… Continue reading The 3 Affirmation questions

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What is the Etheric body?

What is the Etheric body? What is the Etheric body? The Etheric body is one of the seven bodies that make up the human being. It is a subtle body that surrounds and interoperates the physical body, and is composed of energy channels and centers, or chakras, that regulate the flow of energy throughout the… Continue reading What is the Etheric body?

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The scripting process

Hi everyone in case you don’t know me I am Wendy Lynn Johnson I am from Washington State. I am a law of attraction life coach as well as an EXJW since 2003- 2004. We are all in a very unique place in our life journey yet we all have something in common. That is… Continue reading The scripting process

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Normal people don’t talk 

Normal people don’t talk Normal people don’t talk to themselves, do they? let’s talk about self-talk. Have you ever thought that talking to yourself is something only other people do? Or, maybe something that a strange guy on the street corner does? Inner self-talk The truth is that while most people don’t talk out loud… Continue reading Normal people don’t talk 

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Reiki and an energy exchange

Reiki and an energy exchange Is it ethical to give Reiki without the exchange of energy or money? Reiki and an energy exchange. As spiritual professionals know it is important to complete the energy circuits. That is what is meant by energy exchange. When one receives something of value and gives something in return. There… Continue reading Reiki and an energy exchange

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