Chakra healing crystals

Chakra healing crystals  Chakra healing crystals are a natural healing tool. They are a great tool in helping relieve anxiety. Crystals each have their own healing abilities or more commonly known as energies. Crystals are often used for healing the mind-body, and soul. They promote a clean energy flow. In turn, you can take control… Continue reading Chakra healing crystals

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Do humans have more than one body?

Do humans have more than one body? Do humans have more than one body? We all have several bodies. We humans, indeed, possess more than just the physical body. There are additional “bodies” interactively linked to corresponding planes of existence. Specifically, each of these different layers of energy, including the one we recognize as the… Continue reading Do humans have more than one body?

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How to Clean the Aura

  How to Clean the Aura Often entire seminars are given on how to clean the Aura. First, determine if the aura needs to be cleaned. There are many ways to do this. You can use a pendulum, and kinesiology (muscle testing), some people are extremely intuitive and have a knowing or psychic abilities and… Continue reading How to Clean the Aura

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Holy Fire® Karuna Reiki

Holy Fire® Karuna Reiki How did Holy Fire® Karuna system of Reiki come about? The first expression of this class was developed by William Lee Rand and other healers at the International Center for Reiki Training. William’s description Here is William’s description as to how this came about: “I received my Usui Reiki training in… Continue reading Holy Fire® Karuna Reiki

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What is a mentor

What is a mentor What is a mentor? According to Webster’s dictionary, it is “an experienced and trusted advisor also is an experienced person in a company, college, or school who trains and counsels new employees or students”. Teachers, coaches, therapists, and preachers, all could fall into this.  Do you or have you ever had… Continue reading What is a mentor

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What to Expect in a Reiki Session

What to Expect in a Reiki Session Many people wonder exactly what to expect in a reiki session. Let’s first talk about choosing the type of reiki you would like and deciding on a practitioner. There are different types of Reiki. Many people do not know this or know the differences between the different types… Continue reading What to Expect in a Reiki Session

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