Are we born with chakras?

Are we born with chakras? 


     Are we born with chakras? As humans, we were born with meridians, or the main energy centers in our body that run down our spine referred to as your seven chakra centers. It is an ancient complex energy system. They are often talked about in Yoga classes. It is referred to as more of a “New Age” term. It is talked about within the energy-healing world. You may have had someone say to you that your chakras are blocked. What does that mean?

What are chakras?

Nikola Tesla an electrical engineer and an American inventor “If you want to find the secrets of the universe think in terms of energy frequency, and vibration”. Through quantum physics, it was found that atoms are spinning and vibrating vortexes of energy. If everything is made up of atoms that would mean everything is made up of energy. Some forms of energy are, kinetic, nuclear, and chemical to name a few. We use many different forms of energy daily, for example, light is made up of colors. Since it is made up of different wave links, red, has the slowest yet longest wave link. Violet has the fastest yet shortest wave link. The emotional, spiritual, and physical components of our life are affected by light and color. For example, when we spend a lot of time in a dark room, we often feel drained emotionally, physically, and even spiritually. It has been known to cause depression as well as anxiety. When we spend time out in the sun in the light we often feel emotionally, physically, and spiritually, rejuvenated, and energized. Energy is an important part of everyday life.

Chakra is a Sanskrit word that means wheel. Each wheel has a circular or spiral shape. Each chakra has a color it represents. Chakras are located along one’s spine. They are recognized as spinning disks of energy that should stay “open” and aligned. They harmonize our body’s organs and nerves as well as our emotions and complete physical well-being.  Each chakra has specific elements they must all work together for the human body to work optimally and stay healthy. When these energy centers are not working properly it creates pain, and many different illnesses within the physical body as well as mentally and spiritually. Our entire bodies work optimally when all our chakras are aligned and vibrating correctly.

We will learn more about each chakra and how it specifically works. What color each one is associated with? We will learn where each one of the seven listed is located within our bodies.

Are we born with chakras?

It has been said that there are more than one hundred different chakras throughout our bodies. The seven that run along our spine are the main ones referred to when energy healers are speaking about chakras.

  7 energy centers or chakras in the body

  1. Root Chakra
  2. Sacral Chakra
  3. Solar plexus Chakra
  4. Heart Chakra
  5. Throat Chakra
  6. 3rd Eye Chakra
  7. Crown Chakra

Each of these seven main chakras has a correlating number. They each also vibrate at a frequency that gives them a correlating color and specific area of the body from the crown of the head to the sacrum.