Are you allowing love?
Have you been looking for the love of your life and keep ending up with deadbeat psychopaths? Maybe? It is not that bad. However, you keep finding yourself in a relationship that is not satisfying. My question to you is, are you allowing love? We must understand two things before we go any further.
- With the Law of Attraction, like attracts like.
- With the law of deliberate creation, we create our reality.
Now I am ready to tell you about the Law of Allowing. Now there are two ways to apply this Law of Allowing.
- The first is in relationships – with others and with yourself acceptance is a key factor in The Law of Allowing, being able to accept yourself and others without judgment or criticism.
A quote from Abraham-Hicks in the book Ask and it is Given, “I am that which I am. While I am that which I am, I allow others to be that which they are.”
To be in alignment with The Law of Allowing, you must not believe that another person needs to think, feel, believe, or act the way you want them to.
If you need everyone to conform to your thoughts and feelings to feel good about yourself and the world around you, you will never experience freedom.
- The second is the universe.
When we are desiring, something to manifest from the source or the universe, and we are feeling negative emotions, we are blocking the manifestation. Your emotions are your primary indicator of how much source energy you are allowing in every moment by the desires you hold; It is also an indication of how dominant your thoughts are on the subject and if it matches your desires or matches the absence of the desire: For example, a feeling of passion or enthusiasm indicates that there is a stronger desire focused at the moment; a feeling of hate or revenge also indicates that there is a stronger desire; however, feelings of boredom indicates very little focused desire.
When you are thinking about something you strongly desire and feeling pleasure and joy from your thoughts, this brings your thought vibration in alignment with your desires therefore, the current from your source flows through you toward your intended desire with no resistance or restrictions. This is what is called allowing, but when you want something and you have not yet received it and you are having feelings of resentment and anger or any negative emotions this means your focus is on the opposite of your desire. This is introducing a non-matching vibration to your energetic field. Feelings like this, show your resistance to receiving your desire. It is crucial to pay attention to your feelings. When your emotions are strong-whether they feel good or feel bad-your desire is strong. When your emotions are weak then the desire is also weak.
You are allowing the fulfillment of your desires when your emotions feel good, whether strong or weak. Your emotions are absolute indicators of your vibrational content. Therefore they are the perfect reflection of your current point of attraction.