Bringing balance into your life

Bringing balance into your life


Bringing balance into your life

Why do we need to bring balance into our life? What does balance look like? Bringing balance into our life could look different to each of us. If you describe someone as well-balanced, you mean that they are sensible and do not have many emotional problems. A fun-loving, well-balanced individual.


What would a balanced life feel like?

When you have balance in your life, you are living with peace and harmony every day. Balance comes in different forms such as physical forms, emotional forms, and spiritual forms. Being in balance may mean something different to everyone. This is part of our emotional balance.

Let’s talk about Emotional Balance. Life is so busy, and we have so many tasks each day with work, emails marked as urgent, deadlines on bills, kids, and all the needs that come with them. Relationships with significant others.

You may even have friends in crisis relying on you for support. So often when friends or family share their needs in a crisis, we are Johnny on the spot to rescue them.

Meanwhile, our own emotions are screaming “WHAT ABOUT ME? STOP taking care OF ME! YOU FORGOT SOMETHING!!  So often we are in such a rush in our mind we forget to simply take a breath and check in with ourselves and before we know it, we are feeling overwhelmed, sad maybe angry, or even just outright exhausted.


I will be the first to admit I have spent a great deal of my life taking care of others and their emotional and physical needs before my own. I owned and operated a daycare for 22 years. Those kids and their parents were always in a crisis of one sort or another and I was happy to run to the rescue placing my emotional balance at great risk. Then again when it was for my loved ones. I regularly found myself completely exhausted.

Through the coaching academy, I attended I was able to learn skills to take care of myself even when outside influences are very intense. How can you help others if you are not in some sort of emotional balance?  If you are not taking care of #1…That is you.

I will give you a few tips to use throughout each day to help keep you emotionally balanced. Try a breathing exercise.

  • Your breath can tell a lot about your stress level. Check-in and see if you are holding your breath.
  • You could be breathing erratically, Maybe even sighing often.

If you find any of these things take a couple of minutes and do a simple breathing exercise.

Here is what it looks like.

  • Consciously taking 10 deep breaths, counting backward with each inhalation and exhalation.
  • Label each breath to keep your mind focused on a single point of attention and say to yourself, “Ten in, 10 out. Nine in, nine out.”
  • If possible, lie down and close your eyes, or find a quiet space, if no quiet space exists for you, then simply find a quiet space inside your mind. This will help center you emotionally.

Practice Gratitude 

Another great tool is to stop and pause at regular integrals throughout the day while consciously finding something that you are truly grateful for. This must be genuine for the best results. In every stressful situation search for one thing that you can honestly be grateful for.

Pleasant thoughts through the organs of your five senses orient your field of awareness toward the present moment, through what you see, touch, smell, and taste. Direct your awareness to what you like about your current experience.  Find gratitude in the experience.

Another great tool is going out and getting fresh air and seeing the sunlight as much as possible. Notice and appreciate your surroundings. These simple actions are great tools to help with emotional balance. Being in nature is very grounding. You may even take a minute and remove your shoes. These are great tips to share with those loved ones you are helping.


The final tip as well as my personal favorite is Meditation. There are many forms of meditation.

Why meditate? Let’s explore the benefits of meditation and look at some of the practical ways it will help spiritual development and enhance your quality of life

“Your mind is at work all day, every day. Every decision you make, every challenge that you face, every moment you go through in life, your mind is your constant companion, it can be your best friend or your worst enemy.”

Christopher Lloyd Clarke


When you practice meditation, your heart rate and you’re breathing gradually slow down.  Your blood pressure normalizes, and the function of your immune system improves. Meditation also causes your adrenal glands to produce less cortisol, one of the main hormones responsible for aging. As you meditate, your mind becomes clearer and clearer. You feel less burdened by mental chatter, and troubling emotions gradually melt away. Feelings of stress and anxiety are greatly reduced. So, wouldn’t you think that would help bring your life into balance?

Some Examples are: From business people, office workers to CEOs use meditation to help them keep their cool under pressure and help them make clear well-formed decisions.

Parents: Meditation offers parents relief from the pressure of everyday living, and all the responsibilities that come with raising a family. Many parents find the time spent in meditation very precious me time. Quiet time that you give yourself to relax and reflect.

Students: Students can greatly benefit from meditation. Meditation helps by enhancing their intelligence, dramatically improving memory, and increasing their ability to grasp new information.
Spirituality: Spiritual people use meditation to get in touch with their inner self, overcome the limiting perspective of their ego, and experience a deeper connection with their source or god.

Meditation helps you relax and become more emotionally balanced. Anyone can benefit from meditation. With a calm mind and an open heart, conflicts are resolved more easily, and love is exchanged more readily, and more deeply. Meditation can help anyone no matter who you are or what you do. Meditation improves your health and increases performance. It increases your quality of life.

There are many forms of meditation you can visit my blog at to explore some fantastic ways to meditate.

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