Do humans have more than one body?

Do humans have more than one body?

Do humans have more than one body
Do humans have more than one body

Do humans have more than one body? We all have several bodies. We humans, indeed, possess more than just the physical body. There are additional “bodies” interactively linked to corresponding planes of existence. Specifically, each of these different layers of energy, including the one we recognize as the physical body, inter-pervades the others to work as a complete system.

Keeping this in mind, think of your subtle bodies as various layers of vibrating energy. Add to that, these layers make up the human energy field. In addition to your chakra system, your subtle bodies and additional energy points create an interconnected energy field that permeates and surrounds the physical body. This energy field creates the human Aura.

Furthermore, each of your subtle bodies connects to the physical body via a whirling energy point called a chakra. The chakras direct the energy all through your physical body via a meridian system, much like the circulation system of blood.

Without these ever-spinning energy vortexes, we humans would have a minimal existence or may not exist at all.

Let’s cover the first four.

The four bodies of the whole person

The life consciousness body;

  1. Conscious Physical Body
  2. Etheric Body
  3. Emotional Body

Mental Body

The first is our physical body. It is the only tangible body of the four. It represents our physical experiences in our lifetime. It is through our physical bodies that our spirituality, emotions, and thoughts flow. Our physical body is a good indicator of how things are going in all areas of life as well as within each level of ourselves.

If we listen and tune in to our bodies with our intuition, our bodies will give us indications of things being right or wrong. Our physical bodies are affected in either a negative or a positive way by what goes into them. This could be food, exercise, or even by our thoughts and emotions.

It is imperative that we take care of our physical bodies by eating healthy, getting exercise, and sleep. We also want to take notice if our bodies are grounded. Go for walks in nature or in the grass barefooted, or simply wrap your arms around your favorite tree. Tune in to your emotions as you do these things. Be conscientious of your emotions and how you are feeling as you do this. Listen to your own intuition your knowing. If you are feeling unsure, experiment at different times. Try it when you are feeling different emotions, such as sadness. It may help you to feel better; however, you may have an energy block that is releasing, and it may help you to let it all go. Your body knows what it is doing. Tune in and see what you find. You could try keeping a journal. It is imperative to take care of our physical bodies and get to know our body’s signs. We are all very original. Journaling could help you better understand what is best for your physical body. We are all original beings.