Holy Fire® Karuna Reiki

Holy Fire® Karuna Reiki

How did Holy Fire® Karuna system of Reiki come about? The first expression of this class was developed by William Lee Rand and other healers at the International Center for Reiki Training.

William’s description

Here is William’s description as to how this came about: “I received my Usui Reiki training in 1981 and 1982 while living in Hawaii. I became a Usui Reiki Master in 1989 after moving to Michigan. After becoming a master, I decided to study with other Reiki masters so as to deepen my understanding of Reiki. I went on to take Reiki from six other Usui masters including three from Japan. As I traveled around the country and to other countries teaching and practicing Reiki, I also made it a point to exchange sessions, information, attunements, and techniques with other Reiki masters and practitioners. I feel that healing is a never-ending study and that even greater benefits can come from the Higher Power if we seek them. Through the process of having studied with many Reiki masters, I developed a deeper understanding of how the attunement processes, symbols, and healing energies work.

Holy Fire® Karuna System of  Reiki
Holy Fire® Karuna System of  Reiki

Williams Intention

I did not originally intend to create a new system of Reiki, but starting about 1989, I began being given non-Usui Reiki symbols and attunement techniques which were claimed to have benefits. I filed these symbols away along with the attunement processes that were included with some of them and I also began experimenting with some of them. After a number of years, I had quite a collection and many of my students began asking me about these additional symbols wanting to know if they should use them. In the winter of 1993, I gathered together a number of my best students, many of whom were spiritually sensitive, to experiment with the additional symbols, try them out and decide which were the most beneficial. We asked for guidance and through this process came up with a set of symbols that seemed to have the best energy. The symbols we chose had been channeled by several Reiki Masters, including Marcy Miller, Kellie-Ray Marine, Pat Courtney, Catherine Mills Bellamont, and Marla Abraham. We also experimented with an attunement process to go with them. Later I was guided in the further development of the attunement process, and this eventually evolved into the news system of Reiki.


Throughout the process, I prayed for help from the higher power and asked that I be connected to a healing energy that would be of greater benefit. In 1995, I was guided to more clearly define the system and to name it Karuna Reiki® which can be defined as the Reiki of compassion. While some of the symbols in Karuna Reiki® are the same as those used by other schools and systems, because the attunements ( now being called ignitions) are different and the intention is different, the energies that are connected to the Kaurna Reiki® are unique to the system.”

Holy fire® Reiki

William Lee Rand went on to develop the Holy fire® aspect of the system 21 years later on January 23, 2014, it was added to both the ART/Master and the Karuna Reiki® systems Holy Fire® II was added on November 28, 2015, and Holy Fire III was added September 21, 2018. (William Lee Rand – Registered Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® Master Training manual) https://holisticenergyspecialist.com/blog/are-there-different-types-of-reiki/