How to Clean the Aura

Often entire seminars are given on how to clean the Aura. First, determine if the aura needs to be cleaned. There are many ways to do this.
You can use a pendulum, and kinesiology (muscle testing), some people are extremely intuitive and have a knowing or psychic abilities and can see the aura.
If you are helping a friend or family member clean their aura have them take a deep breath in and release it. Then again have them take a deep breath in and on the out-breath tell them to release:
Other people’s problems
- The world’s problems
- The family’s problems
- Work-related problems
- Finally, their own problems
Do each of these one at a time. As you are using your fingers like a comb to comb out all these things.
Go around the entire body from the top of the head to the feet.
You can do this in person by having the person stand and comb the aura around the physical body.
You can do this long distance by using an image or a prop, or in your mind’s eye.
To complete this process, you will want to then replace all the negative energies you combed out with Reiki energies or with positive intentions. Here is where your intuition will come into play. There is no required amount of time to use your intuition to determine. We all have different indicators as to this. The more you practice the more in tune you will become with your own self intuition. This is also taught in a separate class of its own.
Sage Smudging
For this process, you will need an
- Abalone shell
- Sage, Palo Santo, Cedar,
- A feather
Light the one of your choice and place it in your shell. Give it a few seconds to start smoking. Now trace your body’s outline allowing the smoke to waft over you. This cleanses your aura. You can at this point use kinesiology to be sure that the process is complete.
Another way to cleanse your Aura is by what is referred to as “dry bathing.”
- You start with your right hand on your left shoulder. Start by using a downward stroke down your chest, across your tummy to your right hip. Now do the same using your left hand on your right shoulder. A downward stroke down your chest across your tummy to your left hip.
- Now we will extend out your left arm and place your right hand on the left shoulder brush down your arm all the way to the fingertips. Then you shake off your right hand of any negative energies.
Repeat the process by extending your right arm out and placing your left hand on
the right shoulder brushing down the arm all the way to the fingertips. Then shake
off your left hand of any negative energies.
You can do this multiple times or just once feel into the process and use your inner guidance system or kinesiology to check and see if the process is complete.