Shift your thoughts

Shift your thoughts

Shift your thoughts
Shift your thoughts

Have you ever felt like you were being negative and knew your thoughts were going down a road that didn’t feel good? How do you shift your thoughts in times like this? Is it as easy as just flipping a switch, and they change? Most likely not. However, there are processes like games you can play or do to shift your energy.

When you find yourself leaning toward negative thoughts offering resistance, you want to shift it into more positive thoughts. This can also be used when you are already feeling good yet want to focus more on a specific area of your life to improve it.

It can also help with negative self-talk. Have you ever been going about your day and realized that your thoughts about yourself are negative and not even true?

This process came from the book “Ask and it is Given” by Ester and Jerry Hicks. It is referred to as the Wouldn’t it be nice if process. This process will be the most valuable to you if you are vibrating on the emotional guidance scale somewhere between; (4) Positive Expectation/Belief and 916) Discouragement. If you do not know what the emotional guidance scale is, you can find one on the web.


When you ask for something that you do not have or has not happened you are activating the desire, however, you are also activating the absence of the desire- Nothing changes. Often one may say I want this to happen and there is an unspoken vibration of lack present that holds you in the space of lack. Your desire cannot come to you.

But when you say, wouldn’t it be nice if this desire would come to me? It is a different vibrational frequency. One much less resistant.

Your question to yourself naturally brings out a more positive expected response. This simple yet powerful process/ game will create a rise in your vibration and improve your point of attraction because it naturally pulls you toward the things you want.

The Wouldn’t it be nice if…. process will help you let in the things you have been asking for on all subjects.


  • Wouldn’t it be nice if I found a great place to park so I did not have to walk far?
  • Wouldn’t it be nice if today is a good day?
  • Wouldn’t it be nice if I could find a partner that has things in common with me?
  • Wouldn’t it be nice if there is someone out there looking for someone with qualities that I have?

The reason this process/game is important and powerful is because when you say, “Wouldn’t be nice if …?” You are choosing a vibration or something you want It is a soft vibration, not one of lack or desperation. When you play this with a soft vibration you hold yourself in alignment with your desire.

Another thing you can do is get off the subject altogether and stop thinking about it. That is often very difficult when reaching for higher-frequency thoughts can be easier.


Do not expect instant results, not everything can happen instantly. Hold the intention that the universe is in the process of bringing you your desire in the perfect timing.