The 3 Affirmation questions

The 3 Affirmation questions

The 3 Affirmation questions
The 3 Affirmation questions

The 3 Affirmation questions that are important to your success are.

  1. How do you want to feel?
  2. Do these affirmations have the potential to help create such feelings or changes?
  3. Am I being resistant to changing my feelings or thoughts?

The answer to these questions can help you decide if the type of affirmations is in alignment with you and what you want. If they keep going You are right on track and if not, then I would find some that are. You want to be sure what they are saying is what you want to feel. You may not believe them just yet but you know deep down inside of you, you want the feelings or words to be true.


For example, the affirmation of one small positive thought in the morning can change your entire day. You may be feeling a little down and resistant to feeling better but, in your heart, you know that to be true. We all can be resistant to change and that is the entire point of daily affirmations. It has scientific evidence that it affects the brain in positive ways. When we are operating in alignment with source energy, we experience less resistance, therefore, our efforts become more efficient and effective. Close your eyes for a moment and visualize the life of your dreams or a goal you wish to accomplish. Now take a look at the list below and find 5 to 10 affirmations that will help you feel in alignment with your dream or goal. Use them on a daily basis and see what happens. Again Journal so you remember where you start and can see even the smallest of shift or improvements towards it.



  • The universe holds a much bigger vision for you than you can see for yourself. Breathe, receive, believe, and allow it to unfold.
  • Life is your mirror. What you see as your outside always comes from your inside.
  • Happiness is a perfume you can not pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself
  • The secret of having it all is believing you already do.
  • One small positive thought in the morning can change your entire day.
  • All that matters is knowing where you are now and where you desire to be.
  • Whatever your circumstances, it is never to late to re-create yourself
  • The resistance of unwanted feelings is what causes those feelings to persist.
  • Practice withdrawing your attention on how you perceive others are feeling, and pay more attention to the way you are feeling.
  • Allow yourself to feel your emotions. They hold valuable information about how much you are allowing or resisting what you want to receive.
  • Any place in your life where you are experiencing struggle, frustration, disappointment or discontent, you are unknowingly aligned with a belief inadequacy
  • What you are seeking right now is also seeking you
  • “Having it all” is not about striving for perfection or acquiring external Items of success. To have it all simply means that you have access to all of yourself, in every moment, and in every aspect of life that is important to you.
  • The gift of contrast is clarity
  • The willingness to feel the circumstances of your life, as they are in this moment allows you to perceive what more is possible, and recognize those possibilities when they arise.
  • Desire is Magnetic. Believing that you deserve to receive whatever you desire is the fastest way to draw it into your experience.
  • The best possible place you can stand is to be satisfied with exactly who you are, while joyfully anticipating all that you are becoming
  • You are the only one who determines how much of the things you’ve been asking for that you will allow yourself to receive
  • Everything is energy. To change anything in the world of form, focus on shifting it’s energy.
  • Sometimes, we are so afraid of change that we keep holding on even though three is nothing left. Let go! Change brings new beginnings
  • Each day I am thankful for nights that turned into mornings, friends that turned into family. Dreams that turned into reality and likes that turned into love.
  • My life may not be perfect however it is perfect for me
  • Make today really freaking amazing
  • Forget all the reasons why it won’t work and believe the reasons why it will!
  • Life is so much simpler when you stop explaining yourself to people and do what works for you.
  • E.A.R. has two meanings – Forget Everything and run Or Face Everything and rise

the choice is yours

  • Happiness is not the absence of problems it’s the ability to deal with them
  • I am fearlessly me, and that is my superpower
  • Healing doesn’t mean the damage never existed. It means the damage no longer controls our lives
  • What we think about and thank about is what we bring about
  • She turned her chants into cans and her dreams into plans.