The Journey into energy work

The Journey into energy work

The drive to help others heal religious trauma is where I started in this journey. The Journey into energy work I do have a website called that was created to help people who have or are leaving high controlled groups or religions.

The Journey into energy work
The Journey into energy work

My personal background was one of being a Jehovah’s witness from the age 4 or 5 until about the age 32 or 33 it was a huge process to leave and become ok with myself and learn to love myself. It was eye opening to learn that there were other things in the world that not everything came from satin and was evil. I suppose one could say when my journey with energy work began it may have been a little out of rebellion because I was always warned of such things being evil. I loved learning the other side of the story and how energy itself proved itself to me. I have also loved learning the scientific side to energy work and how that has evolved over time.

I have had the privilege to be a founding member of a very powerful Facebook group called Empowered ex-Jehovah’s witnesses (Empowered minds worldwide). Rodney Allgood the founder of the group offers an abundance of help and support to those who seek it. He has held conferences in many places with amazing people who speak on many subjects helping them heal deep wounds, someone who had not experienced couldn’t touch. I was privileged to be a speaker in 2018 on his very first event on a cruise ship. It was fabulous to watch lives change.

I knew then My journey was just beginning. It also helped me to see I was meant to go beyond the walls of just helping ex-Jehovah’s witnesses. Most of them were not ready for the work I love and part of my journey was to except that and learn how we all heal from similar circumstances in very different way and how it is all ok. I was given the opportunity to learn to drop the judgement of others and their journey. This allowed me so much more opportunity to grow into my passion for energy healing. It gave me the opportunity to try new things, hence probably why I have so many certifications in various things that all somehow ended up connecting without me even realizing it or planning it that way.

Originally when I signed up to be a life coach I had no idea what the law of attraction was. I had found myself in a place in life where I was needing to make big changes. I had been a licensed childcare provider for 23 years and my youngest had just graduated high school. The requirements for me to continue in the field of childcare were changing. It was going to require me to go back to school and further my education and I had decided that after 23 years that was not going to work for me. I needed to allow myself the change my soul was yearning for.