The positive effects of affirmations
What are the positive effects of affirmations? In the self-help world, they often promote the idea of positive affirmations and how powerful they are. They help shift your negative thoughts. Have you ever been in a down or bad mood and stopped and listened to your own self-talk? We often get caught up in chastising ourselves for the should have, could have, and would haves in our lives. How does this negative self-talk make us feel? Definitely not our best. It not going to help us achieve any of our goals if anything is going to discourage us from doing our best or even trying. It can actually lower our energy or vibrational frequency by the way it makes us feel. It can bring up lower-level feelings on the emotional guidance scale. Positive affirmations vibrate at a higher frequency and raise your energy field’s vibration.
Thought patterns
If you are realizing that you are often using negative self-talk it could be a pattern that you have wired into your brain. Yes, we do this not even realizing how much damage we are doing to our entire lives. Not only does it wire into our neural pathways in the brain it also goes along with our discussion about the Law of Attraction we start to attract more of the negative thoughts and the content of the negativity into our lives. Completely sabotaging ourselves unknowingly. We are powerful enough to shift or change all of this and one way to start the process is to use positive affirmations.
What are positive affirmations?
Simply put, positive affirmations are a series of positive words that feel good to you. I stress the word you because, in all my experience and research, one of the common faults is that people say all affirmations work. If you use affirmations that go against your core values, they will likely not work for you. Affirmations can feel uncomfortable at first. Lots of firsts do. It is a learning process. I inspire you to try it out and acknowledge if you find yourself feeling any different.
Journal the results
Do a 30-day challenge. Commit to saying or just listening to and repeating positive affirmations for 30 days. Log your thoughts and feelings each day before saying them or listening to them and then again after, and see what things come up for you. If after 10 or so days, you see no change check in with yourself and see how you feel about the affirmations you have chosen to use. They may not be right for you and your goals or dreams. How can you know what the best ones are for you to use? There are a plethora of different ways you can use to figure this out. You can ask yourself multiple questions to help you determine the most effective affirmations. Remember that how you feel is a vital part of this process. Always reach for a better feeling thought. It doesn’t have to be a golden ticket, but it must feel a little bit better than your original thoughts. This is a process not a one-time and you are done. The more you practice the healthier your thoughts will become.