What is the law of deliberate creation?
Now that you know what the law of attraction is we can dive into, what is deliberate creation. It is the practice of consciously choosing where you put your focus. You begin to attract the things you focus upon or think about. When you add emotions to the mix it vibrates at a higher frequency, and you receive it even faster. https://holisticenergyspecialist.com/blog/have-you-heard-of-the-12-teachings-of-abraham/
How is this different from The Law of Attraction?
The law of attraction is like a boomerang. Whatever thoughts, feelings, and energies you put out will return to you. The Law of Deliberate Creation is putting thoughts and feeling with intention out so that when it returns it is a deliberate attraction. Creating on purpose. If you are not aware of the law of What is the law of deliberate creation you create by default, or unknowingly and most often not the things you would want. Whatever frequency you send out is matched by frequencies that are an equal frequency or vibration whatever term you prefer to use.
Here are 3 other ways of referring to it.
- Where your attention goes, your energy flows negatively or positively.
- Like attracts like.
- What you put your focus on grows.
Some people describe it like this.
- Karma
- Coincidence
- Meant to be.
- Fate
The law of attraction delivers both what is wanted and unwanted depending on the vibrational signal we omit out to the universe. With practice, you can become a skilled sculptor of your intentional thoughts. You will become joyous in your endeavors to mold the energies to create life on your terms.
There are two factors to consider: The first factor is the intensity and the speed of the energy; and the second, is your level of ability to allow it or resist it. The first factor is how much time you have spent thinking about your desire and how specific you have been about it and the outcome of it. For example, your vibrational frequency is much higher if you have been thinking and planning something for some time, as opposed to your very first thought or the moment you conceive an idea. Also if you have been considering an idea long enough to receive some negative feedback that helped you clarify your true feelings and awareness of the desire for its manifestation the vibration or frequency is much greater, and it will come to be much quicker. This also makes you aware of your abilities for allowing and receiving it.
How do I know if I am a vibrational match to my desire?
You can tell by your feelings whether you are a vibrational match to your desire or a match to its absence. Your feelings tell you if you are allowing your desire or resisting your desire.
When you think a thought about something you truly desire and realize it has not happened, Then realize you have wanted it for a long time. At this moment a very strong negative emotion would be present within you. You are thinking about something that has a very strong vibration and you are not in vibrational alignment with it.
Now if you are thinking about something you have desired for a very long time and you are able to imagine it and see yourself with it or that it is happening then your emotions would be excitement and eagerness. This is how you know if you are a vibrational match to your desires. There are ways to learn to guide your thoughts to receive your true desires.
Here are a few other resources you may find helpful.
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